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Please Call : (760) 840-5446

An additional thought

Michael Hingson

  • Brief Introduction

  • Please vote in the upcoming SVLA election

  • Let's do this together...

Why Am I Running For The Board...


There are things the association and board can do to better include persons with disabilities. Currently I am working with HOA staff to help make certain the website is usable by blind persons and others who have challenges reading print.


I would like to find ways to strengthen and enhance between the HOA, the board and all homeowners. We live in a more technological age, and we should find ways to utilize some of the available tools to do things like have more meetings and some events made more available by means above
physical attendance.


The board and all of us need to create and pass a strategic plan that visions our association’s future and establishes a roadmap of how we are to go forward.

Let's keep doing what is necessary to insure
the sustainability of SVLA.

About Michael Hingson

Michael Hingson, blind since birth, was born in Chicago. Treated like other childrHeadlineen in his family, Michael rode a bike did advanced math in his head and learn to read and write – Braille that is! Michael’s family relocated to Palmdale when he was five years old. He later went to college receiving a bachelor’s and master’s degree in Physics along with a secondary teaching credential from the University of California at Irvine. Michael then enjoyed a nearly-30-year career spending most of his time in sales management roles.

His life changed on September 11, 2001 when he and his guide dog, Roselle, escaped from the 78th floor of Tower One in the World Trade Center. Soon after, He was then thrust into the international limelight where Michael began to share his unique survival story and lessons of trust, courage, heroism, and teamwork . Mike has served as The National Public Affairs Director for one of the largest Nonprofit organizations in the nation: Guide Dogs for the Blind; he holds seats on a number of agency boards.   In January 2021 Mike joined accessiBe as its Chief Vision Officer to help advance the company goal of making the entire internet fully inclusive.  He is the author of the #1 New York Times Best Seller: “Thunder dog –The True Story of a Blind Man, his Guide Dog & the Triumph of Trust” – selling over 2.5 million copies Worldwide. In 2014 Mr. Hingson published his 2nd book “Running with Roselle”.

 Aside from his talents and advocacies, Mr. Hingson has traveled the Globe from Japan to New Zealand, the Netherlands to his hometown, Chicago. Speaking to some of the world’s most elite: from former President, George W. Bush to Larry King, to Fortune 500 companies and colleges and Universities Nationwide. Michael is now an Expert hired to speak and consult by many of today’s major corporations and organizations.   In the past Michael has served on a condo association while living in Santa Anna. He also has served on California state boards as well as on church committees and boards.

You can learn more about Mike at



My Goals...

As you will see from my biography, (to the left..)

I have served on several boards. I also have lived in several homeowner associations and special districts including Bel Marin Keys in Novato where Karen and I resided from July, 2002 through June, 2014. I have seen a number of boards in action and appreciate the challenges of working in an environment with lots of differing and sometimes opposing points of view. I know how to build and keep teams functioning.


With the passing of my wife, Karen, in November 2022 I now
have more time on my hands and wish to contribute in part by running and hopefully being elected to the SVLA board. So, what would I like to see the board take up?

1. First, keep doing what is necessary to insure the sustainability of SVLA.

2.  There are things the association and board can
do to better include persons with disabilities. Currently I am working with HOA staff to help make certain the website is usable by blind persons and others who have challenges reading print.

3.   I am also helping to work for inclusive formats
for our newsletters and want to expand that to other arenas and items provided to homeowners by SVLA.

4.   I would like to find ways to strengthen and enhance
between the HOA, the board and all homeowners. We live in a more technological age, and we should find ways to utilize some of the available tools to do things like have more meetings and some events made more available by means above physical attendance.

5.   The board and all of us need to create and pass
a strategic plan that visions our association’s future and establishes a
roadmap of how we are to go forward.


These are just some thought I have amassed over the past six
and a half years I have been a member of SVLA. I want to learn and also to help represent all of you in the best way possible.



Please Call: (760) 840-5446